The Pink Network is the LGBTI+ network of FNV, the main Dutch trade union organisation.

The Pink Network’s primary focus is on improving LGBTI+ rights and equality at the workplace and in the labour market, with the aim of preventing and fighting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. The ultimate goal of the Pink Network is to create inclusive workplaces, free from discrimination and harassment against LGBTI+ people.

The Network is firmly committed to sexual and gender diversity policies in labour unions and at workplaces, both in the Netherlands and through our long tradition of international cooperation. While great strides have been made in LGBTI+ rights, this is sadly not the case everywhere. At the moment there are around 70 countries where being gay or a lesbian is a criminal offence. In 10 to 12 countries the death penalty still exists to punish homosexual acts.

As part of our international solidarity efforts, we have cooperated with Turkish and Latin American LGBTI+ trade union groups. We are also working closely with many European trade union LGBTI+ groups. The Pink Network is determined to continue its international work. Recently, the Network has initiated a project aimed at improving cooperation and strengthening activities amongst the Global Unions. With this project, we want to build LGBTI+ solidarity among the Global Unions to help bring about greater LGBTI+ rights at international level. This website is one of the outcomes of this work.

Another initiative from the Pink Network is the Rainbow checklist for collective agreements. The original version is in Dutch and based on Dutch legislation. Here, it has been translated into English and adapted for an international audience. You can find our checklist below.

In 2021, the network is focused on a new project around bisexual workers. Recent statistics show that in the Netherlands most bisexual workers hide their identity. This means that these workers don’t feel safe telling their colleagues that they are bisexual. This needs to change. We have devised a questionnaire to gather information from bisexual workers and the results will form the basis of our work.

For more information about any of our initiatives, you can contact: .

Rainbow Collective Bargaining Checklist: Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging (FNV)

  • en
The Netherlands trade union FNV have devised a checklist for improving LGBTI workers' rights. It asks a series of questions to identify what LGBTI rights exist within an organisation and what unions should be aiming to improve.